
Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Great Resource

Well the school year has started and no matter how much I try to be prepped and not stressed I always feel about 3 days behind!  I am sure I am not alone ;)...  I am courious how others out there handle when their district throws them MAJOR curveballs just DAYS before school starts??  I would love your advice ;)

This year is going to be great!!  I just know it!  We are off to a great WBT start.  It is not perfect people but it is a start!  We are getting better each day with our gestures..this has been a harder group but I think the more we get into it and the SIW has really helped with getting them going and I have doe really cute gems :)   The Power Pix have been REALLY hard for me to keep up with!!  What tips do you all have that keeps you on track with them?  It just seems so hard with ALL the other little things...

But one thing I did want to share is what I do for making labels.  Lets face it this time of year we are LABEL MAKING MACHINES... labels for daily folders, writing journals, math journals, science journals, interactive notebooks, and the list goes on!  What I like to use is  Did you know you can design and print ONLINE!!  I did not..and you can save them just create an account for free!!

I discover this 2 years ago and I LOVE IT!!  Sure you can create and print using a word processing program but that always gives me fits.  You are limited on the fonts which -- not gonna lie--is a bummer but you can upload ANY of your cute clipart's and if you have words you want on all the labels you could always create it in an image.

I chose the blank labels because I wanted to use specific clipart.

You can edit ALL or just ONE label at a time.

These are the cutie labels I made for our Writing Folders :) .  I forgot to take pics of the other labels I have done so far :(

I hope this can help you to save a bit of time!


  1. Please tell me more about Power Pix. I do a little bit of WBT in my classroom, and I saw something about Power Pix on another one of your posts. When I went to the WBT website I couldn't find anything about it. Where do I find it? Thanks!

  2. They are reminder posters with the image, gesture, and question for the concept. I hold it up ask the question and teach the guesture. Here is the link to my store I have created some myself biased on what I found on When you go there you need to login and go to the free books tab and click on the general section and I think if you go to page 2 or 3 you will find them.
    Let me know if you do not.

  3. In Kinder we do a color and shape of the week. So those power pix we get to each week and my kiddos are doing great. In spare moments we review the ones we have already done. However, I have taught other concepts like, author, illustrator, book cover that I have not done the power pix for. We learned the gesture and did teach/ok, but I don't have the power pix on the wall. I am trying to get better about introducing the power pix when I first introduce the concept. Glad your year is going well.

    Luv My Kinders

  4. Thanks for the great tip on the Avery labels! I need to use this for the thousands of labels I print by hand every fall how awesome to be able to add clip art!!
    Always Primary
