
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Currently 2014

I am hooking up with LOTS of great bloggers to join Farley @ Oh' Boy 4th Grade first Currently of 2014!  It's the 2nd day of 2014 and I am already feeling a bit overwhelmed!!  Drats!!   lol

LISTENING:  I did not really watch Sister Sister--I was a bit older (more Cosby Show! lol)  But I love watching their reality show when I catch it.  There laugh is so infections!!

LOVING:  Thanks to Megan from A Bird in Hand for my cute blog look!!  I did not get a custom yet just one of her pre-made sets and I love it!!  An early Christmas present to myself!  I will defiantly be getting with her when my tiny blog get a bit bigger for a more custom look.

THINKING:  I brought stuff home to work on during the break and thought that I would wait till this week because I don't want to work all the time but now I feel as if it will never get done!  I keep telling myself that some of this once it is done I won't have to do it again (unless I get moved again next year....) but it just suck on top of things that will ALWAYS be there---grades, lesson plans .....   Oh well

WANTING:  It to be summer and go to a beach somewhere .... ANYWHERE!!   In true typical Texas fashion by yesterday it had creeped up to almost 70 and now it is not even 35 degrees!!  Did I mention how OVER winter I am already!?!?

NEEDING:  More of me to get all this stuff done I need to do and also so I don't have such Mommy guilt!

TRADITION:  My husbands family would always give p.j.s for Christmas Eve as a gift to open.  Then when I had my daughter I got the 1st baby ornament from the Hallmark  "First 5 years series."    This has became my favorite shopping trip of Christmas every year!!  Each year I get an ornament for each of us that reflects our personality.  As our family grew it is so much fun.  My daughter as LOVED Pooh Bear from  day 1 so; she has lots Winnie the Pooh ornaments, my son is a blankie boy!!  He does not carry it 24/7 like he did the first 5 years!  ( I seriously was afraid he would be carrying them around in Kinder!!) but he always sleeps with them and when he gets home he has them (he is in 4th now!!....hhhmm I think I just got some parent blackmail for later! lol!! .....  Anyway he has a Linus as well as several penguin ornaments-(another love).

So if you found me from the linky and you made it to this point I would love if you would be a follower of me on my new little journey!



  1. I love Sister Sister! I wish I was I was watching it! Also, totally think the new blog design looks fantastic! She did a great job! Thanks for sharing!
    Allison's Speech Peeps

  2. Good luck on getting caught up! It can be overwhleming at times! Try not to spend the last of your break doing work! Happy New Year!
    Found your blog through Currently and I am your newest follower. Would love for you to head over and check out my blog! Missy TheAdventuresofAClassyTeacher

  3. Texas weather sounds a lot like Colorado's the last two weeks. Snow and cold then warmer again. Same pattern this week. I'm trying to get caught up too this week. Found you though Currently--pop by and check out my blog. Alison
    Toad-ally Exceptional Learners

  4. Good luck on your blogging adventure, Chelsea! We are your newest follower!

    The Rungs of Reading
