
Monday, July 14, 2014

Daily 5... The UPDATE

I was really trying hard not to but I just could not take it anymore and I got the Daily 5 2nd edition.  I did not want to because I REALLY did not need another PD book to read! lol  But I could not help myself.  And I LOVED it!!  The wonderful author/teachers at Freebielicious have done a link up review of the book so if you have not checked it out you can go here.

I have always felt frustrated that I could not get more than 2 (and most days 1) rotation in.  I just could not figure out how they did that???  When did they teach phonics, or the story of the week???  Well I got it with this book!!  (I am sure it said it in the first one but I just could not ever get a grasp)  I now see how to do it!  I am so excited.  So I created a new Daily 5 tracking sheet.  This one is for me to use.  You can find it here.  My previous freebie was a tracking sheet my kids used.


  1. Have you read CAFE yet!! It has even more goodness inside!! Instead of buying, could you maybe try a few made by yourself to test out?? or if it is jsut a few bucks, buy it and save some time. I am sure once you start using it, you will tweak it more and more.

    1. No I have not read it.. I am really wanting to know!! Sorry I am not following you?? What could I try before I buy?

